ReadingRoomRotterdam Reading


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Hello, my name is Marika. Since 2023, I have been organizing a nomadic library called Reading Room Rotterdam. RRR is working in partnership with London based publisher Pluto Press and Left Book Club, and is a part of a larger network of Reading Rooms located in cities across the UK. As well, the collection features past publications from Kunstinsituut Melly and self-published artist books and zines. The library functions as a gathering agent for communities to entangle with one another, and for knowledge to be disseminated. Through public events and the library service, RRR offers an exchange of mediums of knowledge, be it through shared dinners, workshops, gardens, or text. During events, books are brought to locations to further active exchange between place, person and text.

Bicycle A stylized illustration of a bicycle used as a decorative element on the webpage.

Reading Room Rotterdam

A nomadic library for communities to entangle and knowledge to be shared.